Melting Heart Pose (Anahatasana)
Surrender your heavy heart to the Earth in this deeply restorative pose that stretches the entire length of your spine and releases the shoulders. From hands and knees position, allow your hips to stay up high over your knees as you walk your arms out towards the front of your mat. Stay active in your arms. Untuck your toes and melt your heart down towards the Earth to the degree that feels appropriate to you. You may be able to rest your chin or forehead on the mat. Take 4 - 6 long deep breaths here as you relax in to the shape and allow your heart to begin to soften and heal.
Wide Child’s Pose (Balasana )
Calm the worries of your mind in this healing restorative pose that stretches your back and releases deep tension in your hips, thighs, and ankles. From hands and knees position, open your knees wider than hip distance and sink your hips back towards your heels allowing your belly to soften down towards the Earth in between your knees. Placing your head down on the mat and resting on the spot just between your eyebrows, also known as your third eye, has a calming and soothing effect on your brain. It signals to your body that you are safe and you can rest. Take 4 - 6 deep breaths here and allow your worries to release down into the Earth. A gentle sway of your hips and forehead from side to side here provides an extra release of tension. Explore the sensations in your own body and decide what feels right for you.
Child’s Pose with Shoulder Stretch (Balasana Variation)
Release any burdens you’ve been carrying with you in this restorative pose. In addition to stretching your hips, thighs, ankles and back it also melts tension away from your shoulders. From hands and knees position, send your hips back to your heels and gently lower your forehead down to the mat. Interlace your fingers behind your back and slowly begin to guide your arms up towards your head pausing where you begin to feel a release. Soften and surrender into the shape allowing yourself to let go and release anything that no longer serves you. Take 3 - 5 deep inhales and long, slow exhales relaxing more with each breath.
Rested Half Pigeon Pose (Ardha Rajakapotasana)
Recharge your whole being with this restorative shape. Emotional energy from past trauma gets built up and stored in our hips until we learn to release and clear it from our system. From hands and knees position, draw your left knee to rest behind your left wrist and extend your right leg out long behind you pointing your toes toward the back of your mat. Gently inch the left shin towards the front of your mat finding a comfortable position to pause in. Inhale as you lengthen your spine and open your heart. On your exhale, walk your hands out in front of you and find a resting place for your head. Take several long, slow, deep breaths here as you soften down into the shape and allow it to recharge your soul. Repeat on the other side of your body as shown below.
Rested Half Pigeon Pose (Ardha Rajakapotasana)
Recharge your whole being with this restorative shape. Emotional energy from past trauma gets built up and stored in our hips until we learn to release and clear it from our system. From hands and knees position, draw your right knee to rest behind your right wrist and extend your left leg out long behind you pointing your toes toward the back of your mat. Gently inch the right shin towards the front of your mat finding a comfortable position to pause in. Inhale as you lengthen your spine and open your heart. On your exhale, walk your hands out in front of you and find a resting place for your head. Take several long, slow, deep breaths here as you soften down into the shape and allow it to recharge your soul. Repeat on the other side of your body as shown above.
Reverse Plank Pose (Purvottonasana)
Open your heart to new possibilities with this energizing pose. It builds strength in your arms, wrists and legs as it stretches the whole front side of your body. Sit with your legs extended in front of you and your hands several inches behind your hips with your fingers pointing forward. Inhale as you lift your hips upward pressing your hands and feet into the floor. Allow your shoulder blades to support the rise in your chest and gently allow your head to drop back. Breathe in and out as you stay lifted for 30 seconds. Then release your hips back down to the Earth on an exhale. Take a few moments to reflect and notice the shift in your energy.
Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
Strengthen the ability to process your emotions with this pose that opens the entire front side of your body and unlocks your heart to more acceptance and compassion for yourself and others. From a kneeling position your knees are hip distance apart and pressing into the Earth, your thighs are perpendicular to the Earth, your tailbone is slightly tucked. Your hands begin with your palms on your lower back and your fingers pointing downward, your toes are tucked. Elongate through your spine and press your hips forward, lift your chest towards the sky and reach your hands back to your heels when you’re ready. Allow your head and neck to relax back. Settle into the shape and breathe for 30 seconds to a minute. When you’re ready, gently come out by bringing your hands to the front of your pelvis, slowly lift the head and chest. Rest back onto your heels or in child’s pose for at least a minute. Notice the changes in your strength of being and embrace the gifts you offer the world.
Fish Pose (Matsyasana)
Enliven your spirit with this uplifting pose that gently opens your heart and throat. Begin with your legs extended strongly in front of you. Prop yourself up on your forearms, palms down, fingertips forward and begin to lean back. Your elbows will straighten and arms lengthen as you press into your palms, drawing your shoulder blades together. Allow the crown of your head to gently find the Earth lifting your chest towards the sky. Rest into this pose of openness and support for 3 - 5 deep breaths. Gently bend at the elbows pressing down into your arms as you lift your head and chest. Notice every vertebrae as you relax all the way down to your back. Close your eyes for a few moments and allow the pose to work it’s magic and enliven your spirit.
Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
Connect with your true essence in this deeply restorative pose. Placing one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly facilitates the healing process between who you are and the trauma you have experienced in this lifetime. Begin with your legs outstretched in front of you and your spine upright. Bend your legs drawing your knees in towards your body. Bring your heels together and allow your knees to open. Guide your feet up towards your pelvis pausing when you feel a release and then soften your back down to the Earth beneath you. Fully relax into this pose. Stay here for 5 - 20 minutes deciding what feels right for you. Notice the rise and fall of your breath beneath your hands. Let yourself fully connect with your true, unique essence and allow yourself to embody a state of compassion, kindness, love, and acceptance.